预告 | 6月28日:第八期“共享与发展·季度论坛”


时间:628 9:00-11:30





题目:Migrants from a Different Shore: Earnings and Economic Assimilation of Immigrants from China in the United States

摘要 :Using data from 1980, 1990, and 2000 U.S. censuses, as well as the 2010 and 2019 American Community Surveys and the 1993–2019 National Survey of College Graduates, we investigate the performance of Chinese immigrants in the U.S. labor market over the past 40 years since China initiated its economic reforms and open-door policy in 1978.  The results indicate that by 1990, Chinese immigrants’ earnings surpassed those of immigrants from other countries, and by 2010, they exceeded the earnings of U.S.-born workers.  Our Oaxaca-Blinder and Quantile decomposition analyses suggest that a significant portion of the earnings advantage held by Chinese immigrants, compared to other immigrant groups and U.S.-born workers over time, can be attributed to differences in observable characteristics, with education being the most crucial factor, both at the mean and across the earnings distribution.  By employing national surveys that provide data on college graduates, we demonstrate that attaining the highest degree earned in the U.S. is associated with higher earnings for Chinese immigrants compared to all other immigrants.  Furthermore, the difference in returns to U.S.-earned highest degrees can account for this earnings advantage.



题目:The Making of China and India in 21st Century: Long Run Human Capital Accumulation from 1900 to 2020

摘要:This paper investigates the economic divergence of China and India in the 1980s through the lens of long-run human capital accumulation. By integrating a wide array of historical and educational reports and surveys, we have compiled a novel dataset covering the past 120 years, detailing trends in human capital accumulation in both countries. Utilizing this comprehensive dataset, we establish a comparative framework to analyze the educational development strategies of China and India and evaluate their long-term impacts on inequality and economic development. We show that the progression of modern education in China and India diverged along several key dimensions. China adopted a bottom-up approach, prioritizing quantity over quality. Conversely, India implemented a top-down strategy, gradually expanding its educational system with an emphasis on maintaining quality. Additionally, compared to India’s educational system, China’s system featured more diversified secondary and tertiary education, with a strong emphasis on vocational education, teacher training, and engineering. Driven by differing educational development strategies, India exhibits much higher education inequality, accounting for one-quarter of observed wage inequality, compared to 5-12% in China. Ironically, India has a larger share of tertiary-educated graduates alongside a significant proportion of illiterates, whereas China has a much larger share of primary, secondary, and vocational graduates. High illiteracy in India hinders structural transformation by trapping many in low-productivity agriculture, while tertiary education in the humanities and accounting has made the service sector more attractive. While China’s better mix of engineering and vocational graduates produced human capital well-suited for the developing manufacturing sector.








林树明,台湾大学经济系学士,美国乔治城大学经济学硕士,美国罗格斯大学经济学博士,曾任教于北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,目前为美国Bucknell大学经济系终身副教授。Bucknell大学为美国顶级文理大学,2016年美国福布斯(Forbes)排名第43高校。曾任中国留美经济学会理事(2018-2019),世界银行咨询专家(2016),联合国大学(United Nations University) 咨询专家(2019),德国劳动研究所(IZA)研究员,北京师范大学中国收入分配研究院研究员,已有十多篇论文发表于国际权威SSCI期刊Journal of Development StudiesReview of International Economics, Economics Letters, Review of Development Economics, China Economic Review, Research in Labor Economics, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Singapore Economic Review, Journal of Contemporary China及中文权威期刊《经济学(季刊)》与世界经济文汇。

Li Yang is a research associate at ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research. He is also a research fellow of the World Inequality Lab at the Paris School of Economics and  a Stone Center's Affiliated Scholar at the City University of New York. Previously, he was a researcher in the World Bank DEC research group in Washington D.C. from 2013 to 2017, a Marie Curie research fellow at Paris School of Economics from 2018 to 2020. He was also the coordinator for East and South Asia at the World Inequality Lab from 2018 to 2021. His main research interests pertain to income and wealth inequality, economic history and political economy. His research output has been published in leading scientific journals in both economics and sociology such as American Economic Review, World Development, the World Bank Economic Review, European Journal of Political Economy and the British Journal of Sociology. Owing to their relevance for ongoing public debates, his findings have also widely been discussed in diverse media outlets, such as the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, etc. 
