会议征文 | 2024 CES China Annual Conference


The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for papers for the 2024 Annual Conference, to be held in Hangzhou, China, July 5-7 (Friday-Sunday), 2024. The local host for the conference is the Institute for Common Prosperity and Development (ICPD), School of Economics, and School of Public Affairs at Zhejiang University. 

The conference welcomes submissions in all fields of economics. The conference includes invited keynote speeches, invited speakers sessions and panels, and parallel sessions. We are also organizing Pre-Conference events on the afternoon of July 5, conducted in Chinese and focusing on policy discussions. The main conference activities, including opening remarks, keynote speeches, and parallel sessions, will take place on July 6 and July 7.

Keynote Speakers (confirmed and listed in alphabetical order by last name):

Invited Speakers(confirmed and listed in alphabetical order by last name):

The CES invites both members and non-members to submit individual papers and/or to propose organized sessions at the 2024 CES Annual Conference. All fields of specialization within Economics will be considered, and presentations can be virtual or in-person. We also plan to have a few sessions for papers written in Chinese (欢迎优秀中文文章投稿). Preferences will be given to organized sessions, and to papers covering topics of particular importance to economic researchers in China.


To submit, please visit Conferences—The Chinese Economist Society (china-ces.org). Follow the instructions there to enter the paper title, author name(s), JEL code(s), keywords, abstract of the paper, and to upload a PDF file of your paper. For “Paper Title”, if your paper is in English, then only report the English title. Otherwise, report only Chinese title. Please also indicate explicitly whether your paper is for online or in-person presentation in the field of “Note:”.

Submissions without a complete paper will be considered, but preferences will be given to those with complete papers. The deadline for submission is March 31, 2024. We expect to send out notifications of the decision around April 15, 2024.


If you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have presenters/discussants lined up, please submit your proposal to Dr. Peng Zhan (zhanpeng@zju.edu.cn) and Dr. Yang Jiao (yjiao@tamut.edu), by March 31, 2024. Each organized session should consist of four individual papers. The proposal should contain a tentative name of the session, titles of papers along with their abstracts, as well as names of session presenters and discussants with their emails. Please note that papers in an organized session must still go through the regular paper submission process through the CES website, with the same deadline.



We will select an outstanding paper presented at the 2024 CES Annual Conference by a junior scholar for the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. To be eligible for consideration for this prestigious award, the corresponding author of the paper must be a junior scholar who received his/her Ph.D. within the last five years (no earlier than May 2019) and has an active CES membership. The award winner will receive a certificate and a US $1,000 prize.

We will also select two outstanding papers presented at the 2024 CES Annual Conference by graduate students for the CES Best Student Paper Award. To be eligible for consideration for this prestigious award, the corresponding author of the paper must be a graduate student who is currently enrolled in a master's or Ph.D. program and has an active CES membership. The award winner will receive a certificate and a US $500 prize.

No application for these awards is needed since all eligible papers are automatically considered as long as a complete paper (in pdf file) is included in the submission.


The CES will organize two special issues at China Economic Review and China Economic Journal respectively. Preferences will be given to papers presented at the CES Annual Conference and the CES North American Conference, but all submissions are welcomed. We expect the submission portals to open shortly after the North American Conference and will close sometime after the China Annual Conference.

Papers submitted for consideration of the special issues still need to go through the regular review process. Details about these publication opportunities will be provided later through CES's “Call for Submissions” announcements. We will accept submissions of papers written in Chinese (接受中文投稿), with the understanding that if the paper in Chinese is tentatively accepted, there is an additional step and approval of translation before the paper in English can be formally accepted. We hope this will encourage submissions of high-quality papers in Chinese on topics that are important to the Chinese economy.


All presenters and conference attendees must register for the Conference. Registration should be made online through the conference page at Conferences — The Chinese Economist Society (china-ces.org) under “Conferences”. Please note that registration fees are non-refundable. All participants must register by May 15, 2024, to be included in the final program.

You can join the CES and become a member here: Join CES (china-ces.org). Regular membership is $40 per year while student membership is $15 per year. 

Registration Fee Schedule for 

In-Person Presentations

Registration Fee Schedule for 

Online Presentations


Information will be provided soon.


For inquiries related to the conference, please direct your questions to the appropriate contacts:

For academic-related matters: Dr. Carl Lin at sml028@bucknell.edu and Dr. Yang Jiao at yjiao@tamut.edu.

For general matters and logistics, Dr. Peng Zhan at zhanpeng@zju.edu.cn.