论文发表|史新杰等论文发表在国际能源顶级期刊Applied Energy


近日,浙江大学共享与发展研究院史新杰研究员与黄祖辉教授、崔柳博士生等合作撰写的论文“Impact of internal migration on household energy poverty: Empirical evidence from rural China”在国际能源领域顶级期刊Applied Energy在线发表。Applied Energy创刊于1975年,主要刊发能源转化以及能源政策和能源使用对环境和社会的影响等交叉学科问题的创新研究成果,2023年该期刊最新影响因子为11.2,位列中科院和JCR期刊分区一区。


Reducing energy poverty has been recognized as an effective way to eliminate overall poverty and achieve sustainable development for individuals, which are two major global challenges. This study investigated how migration affected household energy poverty in rural China. Drawing on data from the China Family Panel Studies, we adopted the instrumental variable method to examine the causal relationship between internal migration and energy poverty and probe its mechanisms. We found that internal migration significantly reduced the likelihood of family energy poverty. Specifically, the probability of energy poverty in a family with labor migration was 13.1% lower than in a family without labor migration, and the probability of energy poverty decreased by 6.4% when each additional laborer in the family migrated. Furthermore, a heterogeneity analysis revealed that labor migration had a particularly significant impact on families in central and western regions and villages near counties. Migration also plays a more important role for low-income households with less educated male heads. The mechanism analysis revealed that labor migration could reduce the probability of family energy poverty by increasing family income, which outweighed the negative effects of the increased share of elderly and children left behind by migration. These findings offer important policy insights for countries undergoing development and transformation.



  该研究成果曾在The Sustainability and Development Conference(2022)以及第一届“发展·共享”论坛等学术会议上进行交流,收获同行专家评审意见,并荣获第二届全国大学生发展经济学大赛三等奖。